Peaceful Souls Foundation is registered with the Registrar of Foundations in Mauritius as of 1st December 2021, with registration number 691, as a charitable organisation. Its structure is based on a trusteeship model and its assets are acquired via endowment.

Based on the rules for Foundations, the organisation has an Executive Council responsible for its administration, setting goals and for honouring its objectives. The Council is composed of 3 members, with the possibility of setting up sub-committees that report to the board.

Governance and financial oversight are provided by Credentia International Management Limited, who are responsible for verifying our processes and ensuring proper audit of our financial transactions, especially the source of all endowments. They are fully registered with the Financial Services Commission for these purposes. Their coordinates are as follows:

The Cyberati Lounge

Ground Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue

40 Cybercity, Ebène 72201


+230 467 2000 / + 230 468 6666

Our Patron

Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Shaikh Sayyid Muhammad al-Yaqoubi is a traditionally trained Syrian scholar, hailing from a long line of scholars. Shaikh Muhammad’s principal teacher was his father, the great scholar, Shaikh Ibrahim Al-Yaqoubi under whom he diligently followed for 20 years, studying over 500 books in the sciences of theology, jurisprudence, Hadith (prophetic narrations), spirituality and many other fields.

Fluent in several languages including Arabic, English and Swedish, Shaikh Muhammad is the author of a number of books in Arabic, as well as a multitude of poems in both Arabic and English. In recognition of his work for building peace and harmony, and better understanding between all religious groups, Shaikh Muhammad received the International Award of Ambassador of Liberty and Peace in 2016.

Shaikh Muhammad’s incredible training at the hands of several luminaries has propelled him to rank among the leading scholars of Islam in the world of today. A scion of the Prophetic household, he is a torch bearer in this time and a charismatic public speaker.

He is currently ranked as the 37th most influential Muslim, and 22nd most influential scholar, in the world in the 2022 edition of “The Muslim 500: The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims”, published by the Royal Islamic Strategies Centre, Jordan.