The coming year will see the launch of one of our major community projects – Ibn Sina Medical Centre. This facility is intended to provide free health checks in an outpatient setting to those in need, but it will also include a home care aspect whereby people who are bed-bound or unable to travel will be offered home visit(s) for medical and nursing assistance.

All care provided will be on a charitable basis although the clinic is not intended to replace public services already available. The aim is to aid people who fall in between the gaps of public hospital care and private health care.

Claimants will be assessed prior to their enrolment in the service, after which they will be able to access all services, including the provision of free medical equipment and/or medications (where available). The disciplines covered will be internal medicine, diabetes & endocrinology, cardiology, paediatrics, and gynaecology amongst others. Nursing care will be provided where required.

It will operate on a strict appointment basis, due to the availability of the health practitioners’ schedules. Please bear in mind that the team will be offering this out of goodwill and on a voluntary basis, and therefore appointments will be limited.

Please contact us for more information and to register any potential patients.

The clinic details are as follows:

Ibn Sina Medical Centre

St Jean Road, Quatres Bornes

5442 1786

5850 6181