In the words of Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi, the vision of Blossoming Flowers is “To allow children across the world to truly experience the beauty of Islam and benefit from the wonderful example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through delivering inspirational and engaging events. Our mission is to transform the lives of children worldwide by bringing Blossoming Flowers events to cities across the world.”
Prior to the COVID pandemic, Blossoming Flowers was held as a yearly event across the world. On the last occasion in 2019, a record 19 locations held the event worldwide, including Mauritius.
In view of the disconnect felt by people post-pandemic, especially for children, it has become even more important to reconnect our youngsters to the example of the best of mankind, through remembering him (peace be upon him) and learning of his habits (Sunnah). We hope that you will join us in doing so, and encourage our children as well.
Please note that the deadline for registration is Sunday 11th December at 23:00. Please click here or on the poster below to register. Alternatively, you can use the tool at the bottom of this page to book your ticket straightaway.

May Allah swt bless you all for your good deeds.